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We respectively advise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that this website may mention in writing or contain images of deceased Indigenous people.

Saretta Art & Design welcomes you to this website. By viewing the pages of this website, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these disclaimers.

Everything on this site is copyrighted unless otherwise noted.

Copyright Law protects the Artists Copyright in their original artworks.

All viewers should be aware that Copyright of the artworks located on this website remain the exclusive property of the Artist.

Artworks may be viewed only for the purposes of buyer browsing, and be downloaded only for such purposes.

No reproduction may be made of any of the artworks from this website for commercial use for any reason without first receiving written permission from the the Artists or their agents.

Under Copyright Law it is fair use to reproduce a single copy for personal or educational purposes, provided that no changes are made to the content and provided that a copyright notice accrediting the content is attached to the reproduction. Beyond that, no further copies of artworks from this website may be made or distributed without written authorisation.

Saretta Fielding is the copyright owner for all other aspects of the website including text, photographs and website design unless otherwise stated.

Saretta Art & Design endeavours to show the widest possible range of artworks from her stockroom and exhibitions. All artworks shown on this website are representative of the stock carried by the gallery. While every effort is made to keep up-to-date information on artworks, some of the works appearing on this website may not be for sale. Please contact us for further details about particular artworks.

If an artwork is not available for sale, Saretta Art & Design can provide images on request of alternate artworks of a similar quality.

Saretta Art & Design reserves the right to add artworks to, or remove from, the website without prior notice. Changes or updates to the content of this site may occur without notice. No content on this site shall add to or change any contract for products or services you may have with the artist

While every endeavour has been made to supply accurate information, errors and omissions may occur. Accordingly, Saretta Art & Design does not accept any liability for any loss or damage which may directly or indirectly result from any advice, opinion, information, representation or omission, whether negligent or otherwise, contained on this site.
